We have experience embedding Own My Life within Local Authorities, through early help hubs and in social care teams. With much experience in the third sector, alongside our expertise in working with statutory services, we can offer a unique and transformational perspective.
Our accredited training is delivered online, live over 5x days. We have participants from across the UK and Ireland, ensuring interdisciplinary learning. Through accessing training your teams will be more effective in their work with women and children subjected to abuse. Our methodology ensures practitioners are inspired, and their practice and skills improved.
Our subscription-based Discovery platform will give your teams access to high quality videos and support materials that can be used for professional development, accredited self-directed learning, and in their work with traumatised people.
Alternatively, when accessing our Own My Life training events, your teams will get unlimited access to all our videos and over 50 exciting and effective activities to use in their work with women and children.
Our revolutionary Own My Life course is a 12-week group work programme that can be delivered within any setting with appropriate safeguarding. Where many group work programmes and other resources remain stuck in the nineties or early noughties, our group work has high retention rates, a transformative methodology and both the women who access our courses, and the practitioners who run them, tell us the courses are "life-changing" and hugely improve women's ability to move forward with their lives and for those with children, more able to effectively parent their children.
Our skilled team can work with you to develop trauma responsive, abuse literate services. We can provide strategic input, bespoke training, evaluation and research and design/delivery of services for women subjected to abuse. We specialise in critically engaging with your current approaches and offer and using our transformative methodology to ensure you can enable women and children to have the best outcomes for their lives.